Thursday, March 3, 2022

Loud and Clear

 Hello Fellow People! I am Krithi. I just want to start by thanking blogger because it is literally the only app that lets me blog. I am 11 years old (almost). You guys are going to see my utmost excitement because I am going to India. I haven't been in 5 YEARS!! One more thing that I am SO excited about is having very little homework the whole time I am there. I don't exactly enjoy doing homework 24 / 7. Not that I already do, but let me just name all my EXTRACURRICULAR classes... Kumon, Dance, The Webinar, Singing, English, and a fairly substantial amount of school work. Now you are probably going, " This Krithi girl is just going on about her homework. What is this website even about?" Well wait. I am getting there. First let me tell you some facts about me. 

  • I share my name with a couple of albums of songs
  • I love to sing (Which was probably obvious)
  • I have a LOUD voice
Great! That sums up the reason why this website has the name it does. Let me introduce myself...

Hello everyone, I am Krithi Rachakonda, 11 year old song critic.

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